Herald Angel

Is There Life After Covid?

By Herald Angel / April 9, 2021 / Comments Off on Is There Life After Covid?

After a year of no or hardly any gigs, parties, haircuts, massages, travels or social gatherings, we are fully vaccinated and ready to return to the world! Watermelon Wine has started playing again here in Sarasota and have done three gigs so far with the new band. As most of you know, Bill Scott moved…

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Happy Holidays, Everyone!

By Herald Angel / January 19, 2021 / Comments Off on Happy Holidays, Everyone!

We got the holiday season off to a great start with our now traditional trip to New England for Thanksgiving. What a treat to go to the Minich‘s on Thursday for dinner, have a great Hart family hike on Friday, head to Boston for the annual UM-OSU game at a sports bar with Pete and…

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