Happy Holidays, Everyone!

We got the holiday season off to a great start with our now traditional trip to New England for Thanksgiving. What a treat to go to the Minich‘s on Thursday for dinner, have a great Hart family hike on Friday, head to Boston for the annual UM-OSU game at a sports bar with Pete and then head down to Providence for a few days with the Cruzes. We’re lucky to have such cool and warm families.
We’ll meet Scott and Janet in Miami Beach again this year and then head back to Sarasota for Christmas. Travel plans beyond that are up in the air (so to speak) as I write.
I see that there are still some openings on the calendar, so if you want to make a returnvisit, or get your picture up on the wall, make your reservations soon.
We want to wish all of our dear friends in Ann Arbor, Sarasota, and scattered around the globe and our families – nuclear and extended – joy, safety, health, and peace. We are so fortunate to have all of you in our lives.